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Zoning Designation: CC-4-2

Jurisdiction: City of San Diego

The purpose of the Central Urbanized Planned District is to assist in implementing the goals and objectives of the Mid-City Communities Plan and the College Area Community Plan. For residential uses, these goals and objectives include the development of quality single and multiple dwelling units that are compatible in scale and character with existing neighborhoods. For non-residential uses, the goals and objectives include developing sites that offer a broad range of goods and services on sites that can expand to meet economic development needs of the community. The goals also seek to provide an opportunity for light manufacturing uses in appropriate commercial districts, to encourage commercial/ residential mixed-use development, and to provide attractive design that is consistent with the existing commercial character.


Regulation (1 of 1)
SF/DU 1,500
Height limits
Height Limit (max) 60 feet
Floor to Area Ratio (FAR)
FAR (base) 2
Interior side 10 feet
Rear 10 feet


Last updated: February 12, 2024

