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3936 Jupiter St San Diego, CA 92110

APN: 441-182-19-00
Lot size: ≈ 0.04 acres (1,544 SF)


Designation: CC-3-6

The purpose of the CC zones is to accommodate community-serving commercial services, retail uses, and limited industrial uses of moderate intensity and small to medium scale. The CC zones are intended to provide for a range of development patterns fr...


Community plan

Name: Midway-Pacific Highway

The Midway-Pacific Highway Community (formerly known as Midway/Pacific Highway Corridor) is an urbanized community situated north of Downtown between Old Town and Point Loma. Midway-Pacific Highway encompasses approximately 800 acres of mostly flat l...

Overlay zones

Overlay zones may modify the provisions of the base zone.

Note: Overlay zones are added upon request. If you would like one added contact us.

Structure details

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Name Druckers Sub
Map 001584

Assessor values

Land $0 0%
Improvements $0 0%
Total $0


lock Owner information - Updated January 12, 2025

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  • save_alt DXF AutoCAD interchange format. Includes surrounding parcel lot lines. Example DXF.
  • save_alt KML Google Earth format. Includes parcel lot line. Example KML.

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Geographic coordinates

Longitude: -117.21987438085877
Latitude: 32.75588316966585

Data last checked: January 12, 2025

save_alt Property Report
Development feasibility?

Looking to further understand the development potential for a property? Have an experienced architect review the municipal code and compile a feasibility study for you. Call (619) 304-0300.

