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3311 Trumbull St San Diego, CA 92106

APN: 531-221-02-00
Lot size: ≈ 0.13 acres (5,840 SF)


Designation: RS-1-7

The purpose of the RS zones is to provide appropriate regulations for the development of single dwelling units that accommodate a variety of lot sizes and residential dwelling types and which promote neighborhood quality, character, and livability. I...

Regulation (1 of 1)
SF/DU 5,000
Floor to Area Ratio (FAR)
Notes The maximum permitted floor area ratios based on the lot area in accordance with Table 131-04J. See page 65.
Front minimum 15 feet
Interior side note lot width X 0.08
Side note lot width X 0.1
Rear note (A) The required rear setback is at least the dimension shown in Table 131-04D, except as follows: (i) For lots less than 100 feet in depth, the rear setback is at least 10 percent of the lot depth, but not less than 5 feet; and (ii) For lots greater than 150 feet in depth, the rear setback is at least 10 percent of the lot depth or the dimension shown in Tables 131-04C and 131-04D, whichever is greater. (B) Where a rear yard abuts an alley, one-half of the alley width, but not more than 10 feet, may be counted toward the required rear setback. In no case shall a rear setback using this provision be less than 5 feet on the premises. See Diagram 131-04B.

Community plan

Name: Peninsula

The Peninsula Community Planning area encompasses about 4,409 acres (approximately 7 square miles) and is bounded by the Ocean Beach community (split off and founded in 1975) and the Pacific Ocean on the west and south, the San Diego River Flood Cont...

Overlay zones

Overlay zones may modify the provisions of the base zone.

Note: Overlay zones are added upon request. If you would like one added contact us.

Structure details

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Name Roseville Heights
Map 000423

Assessor values

Land $1,392,699 64.97%
Improvements $750,895 35.03%
Total $2,143,594

BLK 7*LOTS 3 & 4*

lock Owner information - Updated December 22, 2024

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Geographic coordinates

Longitude: -117.23704706451403
Latitude: 32.722668641624736

Data last checked: December 22, 2024

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Development feasibility?

Looking to further understand the development potential for a property? Have an experienced architect review the municipal code and compile a feasibility study for you. Call (619) 304-0300.

