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Targeted Neighborhood Initiative

The Targeted Neighborhood Initiative (TNI) is a new effort that strategically focuses public and private sector resources to revitalize communities throughout Los Angeles. Twelve designated neighborhoods will each receive $3 million within a 3-year period to develop, implement and sustain public improvements in their neighborhoods. The people who live and work in the community will make the decision on how the money will be spent. The goal of the TNI is to empower community stakeholders to determine the future of their neighborhoods so that they can: 1. Improve the quality of life in the neighborhood within a three year period. 2. Establish sustainable community improvements to be defined and measured by community expectations. 3. Develop a winning community revitalization formula that can be applied in other neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles. The TNI is achievable by strategically integrating and leveraging existing city services and investments within a geographic area. Through designated teams consisting of city representatives, community stakeholders can access city resources and supplemental Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to revitalize their neighborhood according to their needs, wishes and vision. This allows each neighborhood to maintain its unique identity and to set its own priorities for growth.


Attribute Details
Jurisdiction: City of Los Angeles
Name: El Sereno


No references

Last updated: February 5, 2025

