The Map identifies areas in every region of the state whose characteristics have been shown by research to be associated with positive economic, educational, and health outcomes for low-income families – particularly long-term outcomes for children. As such, the Map is intended to inform efforts to advance the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” (“AFFH”) objective of increasing access to opportunity.
Attribute | Details |
Jurisdiction: | State of California |
Opportunity Category: | Low Resource |
Final Opportunity Score: | 1 |
Census Tract ID: | 06065042512 |
Census Block Group ID: | - |
County Name: | Riverside |
Region: | Inland Empire Region |
Tract/block group percentage of population with income above 200% of federal poverty line: | 54.64 |
Tract/block group percentage of adults with a bachelors degree or above: | - |
Tract/block group percentage of adults aged 20-64 who are employed in the civilian labor force or in the armed forces: | 61.12 |
Tract/block group median value of owner-occupied units: | 368900 |
Tract/block group percentage of 4th graders who meet or exceed math proficiency standards: | 17.45 |
Tract/block group percentage of 4th graders who meet or exceed literacy standards: | 23.19 |
Tract/block group percentage of high school cohort that graduated on time: | 92.07 |
Tract/block group percentage of students not receiving free or reduced-price lunch: | 13.28 |
Regional median percentage of population with income above 200% of federal poverty line: | 70.15 |
Regional median percentage of adults with a bachelors degree or above: | 23.02 |
Regional median percentage of adults aged 20-64 who are employed in the civilian labor force or in the armed forces: | 71.07 |
Regional median value of owner-occupied units: | 442700 |
Regional median percentage of 4th graders who meet or exceed math proficiency standards: | 30.39 |
Regional median percentage of 4th graders who meet or exceed literacy standards: | 37.26 |
Regional median percentage of high school cohort that graduated on time: | 93.28 |
Regional median percentage of students not receiving free or reduced-price lunch: | 22.96 |
Binary flag identifying tracts/block groups with highest 5% of regional environmental burden: | - |
Tract percentage of population with income below the federal poverty line: | 23.48 |
Tract percentage of Asian population: | - |
Tract percentage of Black population: | - |
Tract percentage of Hispanic Population: | 61.08 |
Tract percentage of all persons of color (POC): | 89.63 |
County percentage of Asian population: | 6.65 |
County percentage of Black population: | 6.09 |
County percentage of Hispanic Population: | 50.76 |
County percentage of all persons of color (POC): | 67.56 |
Tract meets standards for both concentrated poverty (defined as 30% of the population below the federal poverty line) and racial segregation (overrepresentation of Black, Hispanic, Asian, or all people of color relative to the county): | 0 |
No references
Last updated: February 1, 2025