Ctcac/Hcd Opportunity Area

The Map identifies areas in every region of the state whose characteristics have been shown by research to be associated with positive economic, educational, and health outcomes for low-income families – particularly long-term outcomes for children. As such, the Map is intended to inform efforts to advance the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” (“AFFH”) objective of increasing access to opportunity.


Attribute Details
Jurisdiction: State of California
Opportunity Category: High Resource
Final Opportunity Score: 7
Census Tract ID: 06037311801
Census Block Group ID: -
County Name: Los Angeles
Region: Los Angeles Region
Tract/block group percentage of population with income above 200% of federal poverty line: 63.23
Tract/block group percentage of adults with a bachelors degree or above: 45.85
Tract/block group percentage of adults aged 20-64 who are employed in the civilian labor force or in the armed forces: 76.08
Tract/block group median value of owner-occupied units: 896800
Tract/block group percentage of 4th graders who meet or exceed math proficiency standards: 55.12
Tract/block group percentage of 4th graders who meet or exceed literacy standards: 63.48
Tract/block group percentage of high school cohort that graduated on time: 95.41
Tract/block group percentage of students not receiving free or reduced-price lunch: 72.15
Regional median percentage of population with income above 200% of federal poverty line: 70.66
Regional median percentage of adults with a bachelors degree or above: 33.29
Regional median percentage of adults aged 20-64 who are employed in the civilian labor force or in the armed forces: 73.96
Regional median value of owner-occupied units: 681800
Regional median percentage of 4th graders who meet or exceed math proficiency standards: 37.69
Regional median percentage of 4th graders who meet or exceed literacy standards: 42.74
Regional median percentage of high school cohort that graduated on time: 91.98
Regional median percentage of students not receiving free or reduced-price lunch: 23.69
Binary flag identifying tracts/block groups with highest 5% of regional environmental burden: true
Tract percentage of population with income below the federal poverty line: -
Tract percentage of Asian population: -
Tract percentage of Black population: -
Tract percentage of Hispanic Population: 30.9
Tract percentage of all persons of color (POC): 45.71
County percentage of Asian population: 14.62
County percentage of Black population: 7.58
County percentage of Hispanic Population: 48.68
County percentage of all persons of color (POC): 74.79
Tract meets standards for both concentrated poverty (defined as 30% of the population below the federal poverty line) and racial segregation (overrepresentation of Black, Hispanic, Asian, or all people of color relative to the county): -


No references

Last updated: February 1, 2025